Power Smoothie with Spirulix & Greenbag

You only need a few ingredients for this wonderfully delicious smoothie & you can mix a nutrient bomb with lots of flavor in no time at all!

Smoothie Spirulix and Greenbar

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 1 tsp Spirulix powder
  • 1 tsp Green-Bag organic orange juice
  • 1 tsp Green-Bag organic apple juice
  • 125g raspberries
  • 4 strawberries
  • 1 piece banana
  • 1/2 pc green kiwi
  • juice of half a lemon
  • a few leaves of mint
  • 300ml plant-based milk (almond, coconut, etc.)

Put all the ingredients together in the blender & blend until you get a creamy consistency. Pour into a glass and garnish with kiwis and strawberries. Enjoy your meal!

All information about Green Bag can be found here: